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Be careful to seek out all the commandments of the Lord your God,

that you may possess this good land, 

and leave it as an inheritance for your children after you forever.

1 Chron 28:8


It shall come to pass in that day
That the Lord shall set His hand again the second time
To recover the remnant of His people who remain

Is 11:11

The United States of America was forged by our forefathers as a nation “under God”. 

In the past 70 years we have seen the most powerful nation in the history of the world steadily collapsing under the weight and tyranny of an increasingly godless secularism.  We believe we are a people, a remnant, set apart to begin the restoration of our country; Spiritually, Governmentally, and Publicly.  We will gather a nationwide remnant of faithful believers to stand up against the secular tyranny that has plagued our nation for far too long.


Taking back the Land Spiritually

We will establish a Legislative Oversight Committee.  The purpose of this committee will be to ensure that proposed legislation in Washington State is congruent with the laws of God, natural law, and the heart of God as specifically outlined in the Bible.  For it is these laws, and these laws alone, that have set us apart from other nations.  The laws of Washington State must establish and sustain the Godly Principles our Nation was founded upon, thus establishing a litmus test to fortify not only our Washington State Constitution but also our national constitution that was written with a Judeo-Christian Biblical Worldview. We will start with our state and will ultimately endeavor to have a Legislative Oversight Committee in every state and at the federal level.


This committee will act as Watchmen over the Legislature and as an accountability resource for the people of this state.  We believe in complete and total transparency, and this will be our ultimate goal.  We want the public to know the names and the hearts of the individuals behind proposed legislation that does not uphold Biblical values.    Legislators should be identified and held accountable for the types of legislation they are proposing and such actions should be made known to the citizens of this state.  It is our intent to use every form of communication available to us to make this information as widely known as possible. 


This Committee will be comprised of pastors, teachers, theologians, scientists, economists, etc., who have a high level of influence, integrity, and longevity.  This committee will create an operating standard for the people of Washington State with a scoring system whereby each piece of legislation will be graded according to its merits or lack thereof.


Taking back the Land Governmentally

We will establish an Adopt-A-Legislator Program.  Each of the 98 Representatives and 49 Senators in Washington State will be “adopted” by a qualified representative.  The representative will keep in touch with the legislator by email, phone, person to person, etc.  The purpose of this program is to let our legislators know that they are being watched and held accountable for their actions.  When they do a good job, we will let them and others in our database know about it.  When they are doing something immoral, unethical, or are imposing undue burdens upon the citizens of our state, we will let them and others in our database know about it.  We want the public to recognize the names and the motives of the individuals behind/opposed to each piece of legislation.  We will create a database of likeminded people that we can activate to email legislators either in favor of their action/proposed action or against such actions.  We will also establish a group of individuals who will testify before the various legislative committees as it pertains to such legislation.  It is our goal to have the legislative galleries filled with people praying


Taking back the Land Publicly

For the past 50 years, expressions of faith in public have been actively suppressed by the government; public prayer, nativity scenes, the 10 commandments, and other public displays of faith in God have not only been removed from public display but have been actively eliminated under a threat of government reprisal.  In place of these expressions of faith, America has seen rainbow flags flown on the White House and other public buildings, Black Lives Matter flags flown across the nation and satanic symbols allowed to fill our public square.  Secular humanism and its perversions have become the new expressions of faith in the eyes of the government.  


This drastic change began in 1971 when the Supreme Court reviewed a case that would prove to have a profound effect on how the entanglement of Government and religion should be viewed and tested.  This case was Lemon vs Kurtzman and the standards of separation of faith and government have been dictated by this opinion in the 50 years since it was handed down.  In essence, this law created legal precedent and grounds for suit whenever someone took offense to a public expression of faith.  Thus, a “Lemon test” was established and such cases have been litigated over 7,000 times against people of faith.  The effect has been to  strip our nation of the public expressions of faith that are so dear to our hearts.  


In 2022, the Supreme Court revisited the “Lemon test” as a result of the Coach Kennedy vs Bremerton School District case in Washington state.  The Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot prevent public prayer, nativity scenes, posting the 10 commandments or similar expressions of religion or faith.  Now it is up to us to take hold of this restored freedom and go on the offense to get the expressions of faith back into public display and back into the cultural consciousness of Americans.

Our ultimate goal is to restore the countless expressions of faith that have been removed over the last 50 years across our nation.  Our short-term goal is to have thousands of expressions of faith posted on the front lawns of homes, in front of city hall, in our schools, etc. in Washington State.


  1. We will create a central hub on our website with products and promotional items; 10 Commandment yard placards, bumper stickers, nativity scenes, yard signs, etc.

  2. We will partner with like-minded groups and individuals, who have a vision to restore our state and, ultimately, our nation.  We will contact FPIW, Crista Ministries, TP USA, and churches across the State of Washington, etc.

  3. Using programs like The Legislature Oversight Committee and Adopt a Legistator, we will create a database of active believers we can activate and use as partners to extend our vision through their personal social networks.

  4. We will create a door-to-door campaign to bring our message directly to the people outside of social media censorship.

We know and understand that this vision, as it stands, is far greater than our current capacity as a church and as a people, to complete it.  We believe it is the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ to turn the hearts of the citizens of our state and our nation back to Him.  We believe the strategies outlined in this document align with Holy Scripture in the taking back of the land as found in the Book of Numbers and also in turning the hearts of the people back to God as stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  There are many people in our state and in our nation that are searching for a practical way to help turn the hearts of our nation back to God.  We have all been blessed with divine gifts that can be used toward this purpose.  Putting a placard in one’s front yard or social networking with those in our spheres of influence are all things most of us are capable of.  Some are anointed for the fight and would enjoy wrestling with a legislator.  We believe this is the hour of reckoning for our nation.  It is time to be doers of the Word, rather than hearers only.  Let us stand and be numbered among those who are actively pursuing change in our nation.

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How Can I Get Involved

To sign-up for one of our committees, please fill out the form below. 
Be sure to indicate which committee you are interested in:
Legislative Oversight Committee
Adopt-A-Legislator Committee
Public Displays of Faith Committee


Contact us


We invite you to come and check us out this weekend at our 10AM Sunday morning service.  You’ll discover a warm atmosphere, practical teaching from God's Word and lots of friendly people pursuing God together. Childcare and classes for all ages -- your family will love it too!




208 Tumwater Blvd SW
Tumwater, WA 98501


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